A metastandard for the international exchange of MOOCs – the MOOChub as an initial prototype

"A metastandard for the international exchange of MOOCs – the MOOChub as an initial prototype": an article by our colleague Andreas Wittke et al describing the genesis of the idea of a common standard and subsequent development.



Martin Ebner, Markus Koschuting-Ebner, Florian Rampelt, Sebastian Serth, Thomas Staubitz, Alexander von Stetten, Max Thomas, Andreas Wittke:

"A metastandard for the international exchange of MOOCs – the MOOChub as an initial prototype"


Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung, Hrsg.: Martin Ebner, Thomas Staubitz, Markus Koschutnig-Ebner & Sebastian Serth: "Massive Open Online Courses und ihre Rolle in der digitalen (Hochschul-) Lehre; Bd. 18 Nr. 1 (2023).

The MOOChub is a website that lists well over 700 Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) from German-speaking countries from a total of nine different partners. In order to build such a site automatically, all partners must describe and publicly offer the metadata for their courses in the same way. This article describes the genesis of the idea of a common standard and how it was subsequently developed. The result is an openly licensed, de-facto standard based on  common existing standards, as well as an initial prototype, the MOOChub, where all parnters’ courses can now be searched and found. Finally, this paper outlines the next possible and necessary developments that will further optimise  the interface.

Full articlel: Link