
Since November 01st 2018 I am research associate of Communications - Systems - Applications Center of Excellence at the TH Lübeck - University of Applied Sciences. Since my diploma thesis in the area of motion control and DSP programming, I worked first with dynamic three phase motor control and then turned to Linux and system administration. I ended up doing high availability, scaleability and infrastructure development for distributed micro services in international settings. I am interested in personality development, economic systems, cooking and eating, smartHome and parenting.


  • Born in April 1970
  • Study of Electrical Engineering at the technical University of Braunschweig until 1993
  • Work experience as a project engineer, r&d engineer (motion control), admin, programmer, web developer, database developer, product owner in international settings.
  • Since November 01st 2018 research associate at the Communications - Systems - Applications Center of Excellence

Research Projects