Horst Hellbrück
Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Ing.
Horst Hellbrück

Telefon:+49 451 300 5042


Während des Semesters

Montags 16:00 - 17:00h
Mittwochs 16:30 - 17:00h (Auf Anfrage)

In den Semesterferien auf Anfrage.


Das Kompetenzzentrum CoSA forscht an Kommunikationssystemen, Verteilten Systemen und deren Anwendungen. Meine Schwerpunkte sind die angewandte Forschung moderner Strukturen wie drahtlose mobile Netze und Sensornetze. Besonderes Interesse gilt den Anwendungen von Sensornetzen in verschiedenen Einsatzfeldern von der Medizintechnik bis hin zur Tiefseetechnik.

Aktuelle Projekte

  • 5G-TELK-NF
    Aufbau eines 5G-Campusnetzes für den Testbetrieb von Autonomen Fahren und Fliegen

  • aKtIv
    agile Netzsteuerung zur Erhöhung der Resilienz der Kritischen Infrastruktur Wasserversorgung
  • Baltic Future Port
    Erforschung und modellgestützte Optimierung eines privaten 5G-Campusnetzes am Lübecker Hafen mittels drohnenbasierter Daten

  • DAVE
    Daten- und Verarbeitungsmodell inkl. Prototyp für digitalen Zwilling zur autonomen Navigation eines Binnenschiffes

  • DING
    Digitale Infrastruktur für einen nachhaltigen Gebäudebetrieb

    Entwicklung eines Messsystems zur Detektion und Ortung von Objekten in Sedimenten

  • KI-5G
    KI-gestützte Ressourcenallokation in privaten 5G Netzen

  • KI-TransferHUB
    Innovationsorientiertes KI-Netzwerk für Schleswig-Holstein
  • MDZ-SH
    Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Schleswig-Holstein

    Patientennahe Smartphone-basierte Diagnostik mit lokaler und zentraler KI-Plattform für die Primärversorgung im ländlichen Raum

Abgeschlossene Projekte

  • TGZ
    Technologien für eine gesunde Zukunft
    Entwicklung eines Hybridverfahrens zur nichtinvasiven Bestimmung des Blutdrucks mit UWB-Radar (Ultra wideband) und Ultraschall
  • IoTiSS
    Internet of Things in Smart Streetlighting
    Drahtlose, robuste, adaptive, industrielle Systeme
    Multisensorische Adjustierung der invasiven Blutdruckmessung zur Kompensation von Änderungen in der Körperposition
    Kompensierte Blutdruckmessung durch Analyse der Herztöne in einem Body-Area-Network
  • m:flo
    Multiple Frequenzbänder für Lokalisation
  • Mittelstand 4.0
    Digitalisierung für den Mittelstand

  • MOIN
    Minimale Ortungsinfrastruktur

  • RosiE
    Robuste und sicherheitsrelevante Echtzeitlokalisation
    Bionic Observation and Survey System – Cognition and Network
  • SoCor
    Strategies for cooperative spectrum sensing in Cognitive Radio networks
  • DataCast
    Datenzentrisches Netzwerkprotokoll im Internet
  • G-Lab
    Real-World G-Lab
  • SoFT
    Selbstorganisierende Funkübertragungstechnik
  • TriSOS
    Smart Object Systems, Self-Organizing Systems, Service Oriented Systems
  • AutoNomos
  • MarathonNet
Tagungen und Organisationen
  • Gutachter für mehrere Wissenschaftsorganisationen, insbesondere DFG, BMBF, Acquin-Akkreditierungagentur
  • Co-Organisation von Tagungen und Workshops
  • Mitgliedschaft in mehreren Programmkomitees nationaler und internationaler Tagungen
  • Mitglied in verschiedensten Gremien der Technischen Hochschule (Konvent, Senat, Senatsausschüssen und Studiengangsausschüssen)
  • Langjährige Unterstützung des Dekanats des Fachbereichs als Beauftragter für Internationalisierung und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
  • seit 2005 Aktives GI-Mitglied der KuVS-Gruppe
  • 2006 4. Deutsche KuVS Summer School 2006 - Selbstorganisation, Organisation und Leitung der Veranstaltung zur Förderung der Nachwuchswissenschaftler 
  • 2008 Multi Konferenz (Mensch & Computer, DeLFI, Cognitive Design, Usability Professionals), Exhibition Chair
  • seit 2009 Mitglied des Leitungsgremiums der GI/ITG-Fachgruppe KuVS
  • 2009 GI Jahrestagung Lübeck, Exhibition Chair
  • 2011 KiVS Kiel, Workshop Chair
  • seit 2012 Studiengangsverantwortlicher für den internationalen Studiengang Elektrotechnik (ISE) an der Technischen Hochschule Lübeck
  • von 2013 bis 2019 Zweiter Vorsitzender des Life Science Nord e.V.
  • seit 2013 Mitglied der ITG-Fachgruppe 5.2.1 Systemarchitektur und Traffic Engineering
  • seit 2013 Leitung des Kompetenzzentrums CoSA
  • seit 2018 Studiengangsverantwortlicher für den Master Studiengang Elektrotechnik (AIT) an der Technischen Hochschule Lübeck
  • von 2019 bis 2022 Vorsitzender des VDILandesverband Schleswig-Holstein
  • 2021 General Chair der NetSys’21 (Networked Systems), Tagung der GI/ITG-Fachgruppe Kommunikation und verteilte Systeme, Lübeck, September 2021


  • Geboren am 23. Oktober 1967
  • Abitur 1986 am Johannes Kepler Gymnasium Lebach
  • Diplom in Elektrotechnik 1994 an der Universität des Saarlandes
  • Software-Entwicklung 1994-1998 bei Dräger in Lübeck
  • Internationales Produktmarketing 1998-2000 bei eupec in Warstein
  • Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter 2000-2004 an der International University in Germany, Bruchsal
  • Promotion in Informatik 2004 an der Technischen Universität in Braunschweig
  • Leiter Automatisierungstechnik in einem Pharma-Projekt 2004-2005 bei Roche Diagnostics GmbH in Mannheim
  • Von Februar 2005 bis Januar 2008: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Telematik an der Universität zu Lübeck
  • Seit Februar 2008 Professur für Kommunikationssysteme an der Technischen Hochschule Lübeck
  • Seit Dezember 2013 Leitung des Kompetenzzentrums CoSA
  • Seit 2016 Zweitmitglied an der Universität zu Lübeck am Institut für Telematik


  • ANSim:
    Mein Werkzug ANSim ist umgezogen auf die neue Web Adresse www.ansim.info. ANSim ist ein einfach zu verwendendes Werkzeug Ad-Hoc Netzwerk Simulator, das im Rahmen meiner Doktorarbeit entwickelt wurde.
  • JGPSMap:
    Das Werkzeug stellt beliebige Objekte (GPS-Koordinaten) auf einer Karte dar. Nähere Informationen auf der Projekt Web Site. Das Werkzeug läßt sich auch direkt herunterladen.


Ein Überblick über die Einbindung der Lehrveranstaltungen findet sich auf den Seiten der entsprechenden Studiengänge. Der Forschungsschwerpunkt und die Interessen zeigen sich auch in den angebotenen Veranstaltungen.

International University in Bruchsal
  • Introduction to C Programming (MICT) - Programming Styles / Teil: Procedural Programming (BSc)
  • Networking and Distributed Systems / Assistant (BSc)
  • Software Engineering / Assistant (MICT)
  • Web Applications with Java and XML (BSc)
  • Web Programming (MICT)
  • Advanced Networking / Wireless Networks (MICT)
  • Wireless Networks (MICT)
  • Enterprise Information Systems I (MBA)
  • Information Systems (BBA)
  • Operating Systems (BSc)
  • Cryptographic Techniques / Praktischer Teil: Anwendungen (BSc)
Universität zu Lübeck
  • Betriebs- und Kommunikationssysteme (BSc, MSc und Diplom)
  • Betriebssysteme (BSc und Diplom)
  • Computernetze (BSc und Diplom)
  • Mobilkommunikation (MSc und Diplom)
  • Sicherheit in Verteilten Systemen (BSc, MSc und Diplom)
  • Drahtlose Sensornetze (MSc und Diplom)
  • Advanced Internet Technologies (MSc)
  • Systemarchitekturen für Verteilte Anwendungen (MSc)
  • Zugang zu dem Vorlesungsmaterial findet sich auf meiner alten Homepage.
Technische Hochschule Lübeck


Energy-Twin als Wegbereiter zur klimaneutralen vernetzten Produktion
Marco Cimdins and Tim Johannsen and Stefan Weidemann and Horst Hellbrück and Henning Strauß
Mittelstand-Digital Magazin Wissenschaft trifft Praxis – Ausgabe 21, 2024.
MA-RTI: Design and Evaluation of a Real-World Multipath-Assisted Device-Free Localization System
Cimdins, Marco and Schmidt, Sven Ole and John, Fabian and Constapel, Manfred and Hellbrück, Horst
Sensors 23, 4, 2023.
Spectral Ultrasonic Underwater Buried Object Detection and Localization
John, Fabian and Schmidt, Sven Ole and Hellbrück, Horst
OCEANS 2022 - Chennai , , 1-7, 2022.
Evaluation of 3-dimensional Electrical Impedance Tomography-Arrays for Underwater Object Detection
Schmidt, Sven Ole and John, Fabian and Hellbrück, Horst
OCEANS 2022 - Chennai , , 1-6, 2022.
Evaluation of an Electrical Impedance Tomography Model for Underwater Object Detection
Schmidt, Sven Ole and John, Fabian and Hellbrück, Horst
OCEANS 2022, Hampton Roads , , 1-6, 2022.
A Reference Deployment of a Minimal Open-Source Private Industry and Campus 5G Standalone (SA) System
John, Fabian and Schuljak, Jörg and Vosteen, Lars B. and Sievers, Björn and Hanemann, Andreas and Hellbrück, Horst
2022 IEEE 10th International Conference on Information, Communication and Networks (ICICN) , , 1-9, 2022.
Multisensor Platform for Underwater Object Detection and Localization Applications
John, Fabian and Schmidt, Sven Ole and Hellbrück, Horst
OCEANS 2022, Hampton Roads , , 1-7, 2022.
Practical Security Analysis and Measures for 5G Private Industrial Standalone (SA) Deployments (PDF - Authors Manuscript)
Lars Vosteen and Fabian John and Jörg Schuljak and Björn Sievers and Andreas Hanemann and Horst Hellbrück
26. VDE/ITG Fachtagung Mobilkommunikation, 1--6, 2022.
Evaluation of 3-dimensional Electrical Impedance Tomography-Arrays for Underwater Object Detection (PDF - Authors Manuscript)
Sven Ole Schmidt and Fabian John and Horst Hellbrück
OCEANS Conference 2022 - Chennai, 1--6, 2022.
Spectral Ultrasonic Underwater Buried Object Detection and Localization (PDF - Authors Manuscript)
Fabian John and Sven Ole Schmidt and Horst Hellbrück
OCEANS Conference 2022 - Chennai, 1--7, 2022.
Evaluation and Error Correction of Position Tracking Systems of Autonomous Vehicles for Indoor Localization
Robin Angelstein and Sven Ole Schmidt and Fabian John and Horst Hellbrück
Student Conference on Medical Engineering Science, 2022.
Effect of Object Diameter Specific Reflections to Underwater Ultrasonic Multipath Diffraction Measurements
Hauke Petersen and Fabian John and Horst Hellbrück
Student Conference on Medical Engineering Science, 2022.
Feature Identifier for Underwater Ultrasonic Multipath Diffraction Model
Garrett Mulkerin and Fabian John and Horst Hellbrück
Student Conference on Medical Engineering Science, 2022.
Underwater Ultrasonic Multipath Diffraction Model for Short Range Communication and Sensing Applications with Reflector
Lukas Paul Schön and Fabian John and Horst Hellbrück
Student Conference on Medical Engineering Science, 2022.
Exploiting Ultra-Wideband Channel Impulse Responses for Device-Free Localization
Cimdins, Marco and Schmidt, Sven Ole and Bartmann, Peter and Hellbrück, Horst
Sensors 22, 16, 2022.
FitFone: Tracking Home Workout in Pandemic Times
Matthies, Denys J.C. and Harder, Thorleif and Bretterbauer, Franz and Ginter, Viktoria and Hellbrück, Horst
The 14th PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments Conference, 272–276, 2021.
Flexible Data Acquisition with LoRaWAN and MQTT for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
Marco Cimdins and Fabian John and Horst Hellbrück
Mobile Communication - Technologies and Applications; 25th ITG-Symposium , , 1-6, 2021.
Flexible Arbitrary Signal Generation and Acquisition System for Compact Underwater Measurement Systems and Data Fusion (PDF - Authors Manuscript)
Fabian John and Sven Ole Schmidt and Horst Hellbrück
Global Oceans 2021: San Diego - Porto, 1-6, 2021.
High Precision Open Laboratory 3D Positioning System for Automated Underwater Measurements (PDF - Authors Manuscript)
Fabian John and Sven Ole Schmidt and Horst Hellbrück
Global Oceans 2021: San Diego - Porto, 1-5, 2021.
Underwater Ultrasonic Multipath Diffraction Model for Short Range Communication and Sensing Applications
Fabian John and Marco Cimdins and Horst Hellbrück
IEEE Sensors Journal 21, 20, 22934-22943, 2021.
Inference and Performance Analysis of Convolutional Neural Networks used for Human Gesture Recognition on IoT-Devices
Sievers, Bj"Orn and Hauschild, Sebastian and Hellbr"Uck, Horst
, 2021.
Gigahertz Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) for Sediment Exploration
Elsner, Christian and Fabian John and Hellbr"Uck, Horst
, 2021.
Object Localization in Seawater via Electrical Impedance Measurements
Lindenberg, Arthur-Vincent and Ardelt, Gunther and Fabian John and Hellbrück, Horst
, 2021.
Modeling the Interference of Ultra-Wideband Signals in Multipath Propagation Channels
Kniesel, Jan-Philip and Sven Ole Schmidt and Hellbr"Uck, Horst
, 2021.
Modeling the Path Losses of Ultra-Wideband Signals in Multipath Propagation Channels
Schramm, Sascha and Sven Ole Schmidt and Hellbr"Uck, Horst
, 2021.
Modeling UWB Multipath Propagation considering Material-Dependent Reflection Effects
Winkel, Torben and Sven Ole Schmidt and Hellbr"Uck, Horst
, 2021.
Comparison of I/Q- and Magnitude-based UWB Channel Impulse Responses for Device-free Localization
Marco Cimdins and Sven Ole Schmidt and Horst Hellbrück
International Conference on Localization and GNSS, 2021.
Measurement of Blood Pressure by Ultrasound - The Applicability of Devices, Algorithms and a View in Local Hemodynamics
Meusel, Moritz and Wegerich, Philipp and Bode, Berit and Stawschenko, Elena and Kusche-Vihrog, Kristina and Hellbrück, Horst and Gehring, Hartmut
Diagnostics 11, 12, 2021.
Brachialis Pulse Wave Measurements with Ultra-Wide Band and Continuous Wave Radar, Photoplethysmography and Ultrasonic Doppler Sensors
Horst Hellbrück and Gunther Ardelt and Philipp Wegerich and Hartmut Gehring
Sensors 21, 165, 2021.
Differential Ultrasonic Detection of Small Objects for Underwater Applications (PDF - Authors Manuscript)
Fabian John and Roman Kusche and Felix Adam and Horst Hellbrück
Global Oceans 2020: Singapore – U.S. Gulf Coast, 1-7, 2020.
MAMPI – Multipath-assisted Device-free Localization with Magnitude and Phase Information
Marco Cimdins and Sven Ole Schmidt and Horst Hellbrück
International Conference on Localization and GNSS, 2020.
MAMPI-UWB—Multipath-Assisted Device-Free Localization with Magnitude and Phase Information with UWB Transceivers
Marco Cimdins and Sven Ole Schmidt and Horst Hellbrück
Sensors 20, 24, 7090, 2020.
Verfahren zur kontaktlosen Messung wenigstens eines Vitalparameters eines Patienten
Roman Kusche and Horst Hellbrück
, 2020.
Contact-Free Biosignal Acquisition via Capacitive and Ultrasonic Sensors
Roman Kusche and Fabian John and Marco Cimdins and Horst Hellbrück
IEEE Access 8, 95629--95641, 2020.
IKARion: Enhancing a Learning Platform with Intelligent Feedback to Improve Team Collaboration and Interaction in Small Groups
Manfred Constapel and Dorian Doberstein and H. Ulrich Hoppe and Horst Hellbrück
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, 2019.
A Practical Toolbox for Getting Started with mmWave FMCW Radar Sensors
Constapel, Manfred and Cimdins, Marco and Hellbrück, Horst
Proceedings of the 4th KuVS/GI Expert Talk on Localization, 2019.
eNAV - Enhanced Co-Existence of IEEE802.15.4 and IEEE 802.11
Swen Leugner and Horst Hellbrück
IEEE Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks, 2019.
Development of an Electro Impedance Tomography-based Platform for Measurement of burial Depth of Cables in Subsea Sediments
Andreas Schuldei and Fabian John and Gunther Ardelt and Tim Suthau and Horst Hellbrück
Oceans 2019, 2019.
On the Effective Length of Channel Impulse Responses in UWB Single Anchor Localization
Sven Ole Schmidt and Marco Cimdins and Horst Hellbrück
International Conference on Localization and GNSS, 2019.
Suitable Path Loss Model for LoRa networks in suburban areas
Wilschewsky, D. and Leugner, S. and Hellbr"Uck, H.
Student Conference on Medical Engineering Science, 2019.
Phase Error Correction for IEEE 802.11 Channel State Information
Trejo, C. and Cimdins, M. and Hellbr"Uck, H.
Student Conference on Medical Engineering Science, 2019.
Analysis of Types, Positioning and Appearance of Visualizations in Online Teaching Environments to Improve Learning Experiences
Brandenburger, J., and Constapel, M. and Hellbr"Uck, H. and Janneck, M.
International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, 2019.
Recurrent Neural Network for Sequence Classification of mmWave Radar Data
Geiger, T. and Constapel, M. and Hellbr"Uck, H.
Student Conference on Medical Engineering Science, 2019.
Improvements to UWB Channel Impulse Response Measurements for Indoor Localization
Matthews, B. and Cimdins, M. and Hellbr"Uck, H.
Student Conference on Medical Engineering Science, 2019.
Phase Error Correction for IEEE 802.11 Channel State Information
Trejo, C. and Cimdins, M. and Hellbr"Uck, H.
Student Conference on Medical Engineering Science, 2019.
Investigation of the Message Delay in Wireless Sensor Networks
Hadler, M. and Cimdins, M. and Hellbr"Uck, H.
Student Conference on Medical Engineering Science, 2019.
Modeling the Magnitude and Phase of Multipath UWB Signals for the Use in Passive Localization
Marco Cimdins and Sven Ole Schmidt and Horst Hellbrück
16th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication, 2019.
Proceedings of the 4th KuVS/GI Expert Talk on Localization
Cimdins, Marco and Hellbrück, Horst
, 2019.
A Practical Toolbox for Getting Started with mmWave FMCW Radar Sensors
Constapel, Manfred and Cimdins, Marco and Hellbrück, Horst
Proceedings of the 4th KuVS/GI Expert Talk on Localization, 2--4, 2019.
Understanding and Prediction of Ultra-Wide Band Channel Impulse Response Measurements
Benjamin Matthews and Sven Ole Schmidt and Horst Hellbrück
Proceedings of the 4th KuVS/GI Expert Talk on Localization, 21--23, 2019.
IoTiSS: Internet of Things in Smart Streetlighting
Marco Cimdins and Wiland Arlt and Horst Hellbrück
ITG-Fachbericht-Mobilkommunikation, 2019.
A Model-based Approach for Self-healing IoT Systems
K"Uhn, Franziska and Hellbr"Uck, Horst and Fischer, Stefan
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Sensor Networks (SENSORNETS), , 2018.
Drahtlose Robuste Adaptive Industrielle Systeme
Manfred Constapel and Leo Krüger and Swen Leugner and Zeynep Vatandas and Koojana Kuladinithi and Andreas Timm-Giel and Horst Hellbrück
ITG-Fachbericht-Mobilkommunikation, 2018.
Listen and Talk in IEEE 802.15.4 with Dual Radio
Swen Leugner and Horst Hellbrück
2018 Advances in Wireless and Optical Communications (RTUWO) (RTUWO'18), 2018.
Lessons learned: Indoor Ultra-Wideband localization systems for an industrial IoT application
Leugner, Swen and Hellbrück, Horst
Proceedings of the 3rd KuVS/GI Expert Talk on Localization, 2--4, 2018.
TriClock – Clock Synchronization compensating Drift, Offset and Propagation Delay
Swen Leugner and Manfred Constapel and Horst Hellbrück
IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2018.
Sundew: Design and Evaluation of a Model-based Device-free Localization System
Cimdins, Marco and Pelka, Mathias and Hellbrück, Horst
The Ninth International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), 2018.
RF-Based Safety-Critical Hybrid Localization
Pelka, Mathias and Cimdins, Marco and Hellbrück, Horst
The Ninth International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), 2018.
Proceedings of the 3rd KuVS/GI Expert Talk on Localization
Cimdins, Marco and Hellbrück, Horst
, 2018.
Comparison of Antenna Types and Frequency Bands for Radio-based Device-free Localization
Cimdins, Marco and Hellbrück, Horst
Proceedings of the 3rd KuVS/GI Expert Talk on Localization, 29--31, 2018.
Impact of the antenna orientation for distance estimation
Pelka, Mathias and Cimdins, Marco and Hellbrück, Horst
Proceedings of the 3rd KuVS/GI Expert Talk on Localization, 17--19, 2018.
A new localization algorithm based on neural networks
Pelka, Mathias and Constapel, Manfred and Le Anh, Duc Tu and Hellbrück, Horst
Proceedings of the 3rd KuVS/GI Expert Talk on Localization, 33--35, 2018.
Minimizing Indoor Localization Errors for Non-Line-of-Sight Propagation
Mathias Pelka and Peter Bartmann and Swen Leugner and Horst Hellbrück
International Conference on Localization and GNSS, 2018.
Towards Intrinsic Molecular Communication Using Isotopic Isomerism
Gunther Ardelt and Christoph Külls and Horst Hellbrück
Open Journal of Internet Of Things (OJIOT) 4, 1, 135--143, 2018.
Unterwasserkommunikation, Systemvernetzung & autonome Kommunikation im Projekt BOSS
Horst Hellbrück and Gunther Ardelt
Hydrographie 2018 - Trend zu unbemannten Messsystemen 91, 2018.
Autonome Unterwasserfahrzeuge und Kommunikationssysteme
Horst Hellbrück and Torsten Teubler and Gunther Ardelt
MST 2018 - Multisensortechnologie: Low-Cost Sensoren im Verbund 92, 2018.
A syntactic approach to wreck pattern recognition in sonar images
Constapel, M. and Teubler, T. and Hellbr"Uck, H.
Student Conference on Medical Engineering Science, 2017.
DRAISE - Drahtlose, Roboste Adaptive, Industrielle Systeme
Swen Leugner and Leo Kr"Uger and Andreas Timm-Giel and Horst Hellbr"Uck
Zukunft der Netze 2017, Postersession, 2017.
Name-Centric Services for the Internet of Things
Teubler, Torsten and Hellbr"Uck, Horst
3rd International Conference on Networked Systems (NetSys), 1--2, 2017.
Weighted Online Calibration for Odometry of Mobile Robots
Grigori Goronzy and Horst Hellbrück
IEEE ICC Workshop on Advances in Network Localization and Navigation (ANLN), 2017.
Modeling Received Signal Strength and Multipath Propagation Effects of Moving Persons
Marco Cimdins and Horst Hellbrück
14th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication, 2017.
Evaluation of time-based ranging methods: Does the choice matter?
Mathias Pelka and Daniel Amann and Marco Cimdins and Horst Hellbrück
14th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication, 2017.
S-TDoA (Sequential Time Difference of Arrival)-Verfahren zur Positionsermittlung von bewegbaren Objekten durch sequentielle Ankunftszeitdifferenzbestimmung von periodischen Signalen
Hellbrück, H. and Pelka, M.
, 2017.
Anomaly-based Device-free Localization with Particle Filtering
Marco Cimdins and Mathias Pelka and Horst Hellbr"Uck
Workshop on Dependable Wireless Communications and Localization for the IoT, 2017.
Evaluation of Bluetooth Positioning for Medical Device Tracking
Kirchmann, T. and Pelka, M. and Hellbr"Uck, H.
Student Conference on Medical Engineering Science, 2017.
A syntactic approach to wreck pattern recognition in sonar images
Constapel, M. and Teubler, T. and Hellbr"Uck, H.
Student Conference on Medical Engineering Science, 2017.
Optical Underwater Distance Estimation
Mathias Pelka and Martin Mackenberg and Christan Funda and Horst Hellbrück
Oceans MTS/IEEE, 2017.
UWB-based Single Reference Point Positioning System
Mathias Pelka and Swen Leugner and Marco Cimdins and Holger Schwegmann and Horst Hellbrück
ITG-Fachbericht-Mobilkommunikation, 2017.
Memory Efficient Forwarding Information Base for Content-Centric Networking
Torsten Teubler and Dennis Pfisterer and Horst Hellbr"Uck
International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) 9, 3, 67--85, 2017.
Wireless Underwater Communication via Analog OFDM Modulated Light
Ardelt, Gunther and Mackenberg, Martin and Hellbr"Uck, Horst
Proceedings of the International Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems, 18:1--18:3, 2017.
Embedded Multibeam Sonar Feature Extraction for Online AUV Control
Matthieu Sion and Torsten Teubler and Horst Hellbrück
Oceans'16 MTS/IEEE Shanghai, 2016.
Cooperative Sensing Protocols and Evaluation via IEEE 802.15.4 Devices
Akram, Tahir and Esemann, Tim and Hellbr"Uck, Horst
Special Issue of Self Optimized Radio Technologies (Journal of Physical Communication) 19, C, 93--105, 2016.
A Flexible and Modular Platform for Development of Short-range Underwater Communication
Ardelt, Gunther and Mackenberg, Martin and Markmann, Jan and Esemann, Tim and Hellbr"Uck, Horst
Proceedings of the 11th ACM International Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems, 35:1--35:8, 2016.
Investigation of Anomaly-based Passive Localization with IEEE 802.15.4
Marco Cimdins and Mathias Pelka and Horst Hellbr"Uck
, AIB-2016-05, 2016.
Investigation of Anomaly-based Passive Localization with Received Signal Strength for IEEE 802.15.4
Cimdins, Marco and Pelka, Mathias and Hellbrück, Horst
The Seventh International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, 2016.
QRPos: Indoor Positioning System for Self-Balancing Robots based on QR Codes
Grigori Goronzy and Mathias Pelka and Horst Hellbrück
The Seventh International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, 2016.
Comparison of wired and wireless synchronization with clock drift compensation suited for U-TDoA localization
Swen Leugner and Mathias Pelka and Horst Hellbrück
13th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication, 2016.
Reflection and transmission of ultra-wideband pulses for detection of vascular pressure variation and spatial resolution within soft tissues
Martin Mackenberg and Klaas Rackebrandt and Christian Bollmeyer and Philipp Wegerich and Hartmut Gehring and Horst Hellbrück
Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express 2, 6, 065003, 2016.
Proceedings of the 2nd KuVS Expert Talk on Localization
Pelka, Mathias and Goronzy, Grigori and Bitsch Link, J'o Agila and Hellbrück, Horst and Wehrle, Klaus
, AIB-2016-05, 1--26, 2016.
Impact of Altitude Difference for Local Positioning Systems and Compensation with Two-Stage Filters
Mathias Pelka and Grigori Goronzy and Horst Hellbrück
2016 International Conference on Localization and GNSS, 2016.
Iterative approach for anchor configuration of positioning systems
Mathias Pelka and Grigori Goronzy and Horst Hellbrück
ICT Express 2, 1, 1 - 4, 2016.
Introduction, Discussion and Evaluation of Recursive Bayesian Filters for Linear and Nonlinear Filtering Problems in Indoor Localization
Mathias Pelka and Horst Hellbrück
The Seventh International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, 2016.
S-TDoA - Sequential Time Difference of Arrival - A Scalable and Synchronization Free Approach for Positioning
Mathias Pelka and Horst Hellbrück
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2016.
Survey of challenges and towards a unified architecture for location systems
Mathias Pelka and Horst Hellbrück
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 67, 75 - 85, 2016.
Embedded Multibeam Sonar Feature Extraction for Online AUV Control
Matthieu Sion and Torsten Teubler and Horst Hellbrück
Oceans'16 MTS/IEEE Shanghai, 2016.
Testbed for Development of Networked Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
Torsten Teubler and Martin Anschütz and Horst Hellbrück
Oceans'16 MTS/IEEE Shanghai, 2016.
Architecture and Message Processing for Name-Centric Services in Wireless Sensor Networks
Torsten Teubler and Horst Hellbrück
2016 Advances in Wireless and Optical Communications (RTUWO) (RTUWO2016), 2016.
Design of Expert Systems for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Control
Torsten Teubler and Horst Hellbrück
Oceans'16 MTS/IEEE Monterey, CA, USA, 2016.
Receiving more than data - a signal model, theory and implementation of a cognitive IEEE 802.15.4 receiver
Tim Esemann and Horst Hellbr"Uck
EAI Endorsed Trans. Cognitive Communications 2, 7, e3, 2016.
Performance Evaluation of Cooperative Sensing via IEEE 802.15.4 Radio
Akram, Tahir and Hellbr"Uck, Horst
Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, IEEE (WCNC 2015), 2015.
Entwicklung einer kompakten Sensorplattform für prototypischen Einsatz in der Medizintechnik
Bollmeyer, Christian and Mackenberg, Martin and Gehring, Hartmut and Hellbr"Uck, Horst
ImpulsE (submitted) 20, 53-59, 2015.
Wireless Medical Sensors - Context, Robustness and Safety
Christian Bollmeyer and Mathias Pelka and Hartmut Gehring and Horst Hellbrück
49th annual conference of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering (BMT 2015), 349–352, 2015.
VaSili - A Simulation Runtime Environment for Applications in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks
Sebastian Ebers and Horst Hellbrück and Stefan Fischer
2015 IEEE 12th Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC): CCNC 2015 Workshops - VENITS (CCNC 2015 - CCNC 2015 Workshops - VENITS), 2015.
Interference Detection on Reception for IEEE 802.15.4 Transmissions
Esemann, Tim and Hellbr"Uck, Horst
Proceedings of the 21th European Wireless Conference, 2015.
Receiving more than Data - A Signal Model and Theory of a Cognitive IEEE 802.15.4 Receiver
Esemann, Tim and Hellbr"Uck, Horst
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks (CROWNCOM), 2015.
Comparison and Performance Evaluation of Indoor Localization Algorithms based on an Error Model for an Optical System
Lifang, Z. and Pelka, M. and Bollmeyer, C. and Hellbr"Uck, H.
Student Conference on Medical Engineering Science, 2015.
Simulation and Evaluation of an Optical Channel Model for Underwater Communication
Mackenberg, Martin and Esemann, Tim and Hellbrück, Horst
Proceedings of the International Conference on UnderWater Networks and Systems 2015, 2015.
Proceedings of the 1st KuVS Expert Talk on Localization
Pelka, Mathias and Bitsch Link, J'o Agila and Hellbrück, Horst and Wehrle, Klaus
, AIB-2015-08, 1--50, 2015.
Indoor Localization based on Bi-Phase Measurements for Wireless Sensor Networks
Mathias Pelka and Christian Bollmeyer and Horst Hellbrück
2015 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC): - Track 3: Mobile and Wireless Networks (IEEE WCNC 2015 - Track 3- Mobile and Wireless Networks), 2015.
Mobile Robot Seamless Localization with Localization Optimized QR Codes
Mathias Pelka and Daniel Neckel and Horst Hellbrück
12th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication, 2015.
Tool Chain for Application Development with Name-Centric Services
Torsten Teubler and Horst Hellbrück
The 12th IEEE International Workshop on Managing Ubiquitous Communications and Services, 2015 (MUCS'15), 2015.
Integrating Expert System CLIPS into DUNE for AUV Control
Torsten Teubler and Liang Shuang and Horst Hellbrück
Oceans'15 MTS/IEEE Genova, 2015.
Experimental Evaluation & Optimization of a UWB Localization System for Medical Applications
Christian Bollmeyer and Horst Hellbrück and Hartmut Gehring
48th annual conference of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering (BMT 2014), 2014.
Evaluation of Radio Based, Optical and Barometric Localization for Indoor Altitude Estimation in Medical Applications
Christian Bollmeyer and Mathias Pelka and Hartmut Gehring and Horst Hellbrück
The Fifth International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, 2014.
Underwater Electric Field Communication
Esemann, Tim and Ardelt, Gunther and Hellbr"Uck, Horst
Proceedings of the International Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems, 9:1--9:5, 2014.
Integrated Low-Power SDR enabling Cognitive IEEE 802.15.4 Sensor Nodes
Esemann, Tim and Hellbr"Uck, Horst
Proceedings of the 8th Karlsruhe Workshop on Software Radios, 2014.
FULFILL - Framework zur Visualisierung, Speicherung und Filterung von Lokalisierungs-Messdaten
Hanesova, Lenka and Hellbr"Uck, Horst
ImpulsE 18, 2014.
Localization of Heart Reference Point of a Lying Patient with Microsoft Kinect Sensor
Ma, Q. and Bollmeyer, C. and Zhu, Y. and Hellbr"Uck, H.
Student Conference of Medical Engineering Science, 155--158, 2014.
Software Defined Transceiver for Underwater Communication
Mackenberg, Martin and Janicke, Christian and Esemann, Tim and Hellbrück, Horst
Proceedings of the European Workshop on Testbed based Wireless Research, 2014.
Accurate Radio Distance Estimation by Phase Measurements with Multiple Frequencies
Mathias Pelka and Christian Bollmeyer and Horst Hellbrück
The Fifth International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation 2014 (IPIN 2014), 2014.
A Solution for the Naming Problem for Name-Centric Services
Torsten Teubler and Mohamed Ahmed M. Hail and Horst Hellbrück
12th International Conference on Wired & Wireless Internet Communications (WWIC 2014), 2014.
Performance Evaluation Metric for Cooperative Sensing in Heterogeneous Radio Environments
Akram, Tahir and Esemann, Tim and Hellbr"Uck, Horst
European Wireless Conference, IEEE, 2013.
A Reusable and Extendable Testbed for Implementation and Evaluation of Cooperative Sensing
Akram, Tahir and Esemann, Tim and Teubler, Torsten and Hellbr"Uck, Horst
The 8th ACM International Workshop on Performance Monitoring, Measurement and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Wireless and Wired Networks PM2HW2N'13, 2013.
Precise Indoor Altitude Estimation based on differential barometric Sensing for wireless Medical Applications
Bollmeyer, Christian and Esemann, Tim and Gehring, Hartmut and Hellbr"Uck, Horst
Body Sensor Networks Conference 2013 (BSN2013), 2013.
H"Ohenbestimmung mittels Luftdrucksensoren und differentieller Messung f"Ur Indoor-Anwendungen
Bollmeyer, Christian and Esemann, Tim and Gehring, Hartmut and Hellbr"Uck, Horst
ImpulsE 17, 53-59, 2013.
Short Paper: Collaboration Between VANET Applications Based on Open Standards
Sebastian Ebers and Horst Hellbrück and Dennis Pfisterer and Stefan Fischer
2013 IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC) (IEEE VNC 2013), 2013.
Neugestaltung des Labors Kommunikationsnetze
Hellbr"Uck, Horst and Hanemann, Andreas and El-Sabbagh, Dawoud
ImpulsE 17, 75-78, 2013.
Name-Centric Service Architecture for Cyber-Physical Systems (Short Paper)
Horst Hellbr"Uck and Torsten Teubler and Stefan Fischer
Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA), 2013 6th IEEE International Conference on, 2013.
CCN-WSN - a lightweight, flexible Content-Centric Networking Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
Ren, Zhong and Hail, Mohamed A. and Hellbr"Uck, Horst
2013 IEEE Eighth International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (IEEE ISSNIP 2013), 2013.
Efficient Data Aggregation with CCNx in Wireless Sensor Networks
Teubler, Torsten and Hail, Mohamed Ahmed M. and Hellbr"Uck, Horst
19th EUNICE Workshop on Advances in Communication Networking (EUNICE 2013), 2013.
Wiseman - A Management and Deployment Approach for WSN Testbed Software
Teubler, Torsten and Hellbr"Uck, Horst
2013 IEEE INFOCOM Student Poster Session (INFOCOM'2013 Student Posters), 2013.
Software Defined Radio - Flexible Plattform fuer Forschung und Lehre
Esemann, Tim and Hellbr"Uck, Horst
ImpulsE 16, 2-9, 2012.
Non-Invasive Cognition driven Spectrum Access in Medical Application via Baseband Processing
Esemann, Tim and Hellbr"Uck, Horst
Proceedings of the 7th Karlsruhe Workshop on Software Radios, 2012.
Non-Invasive Cognitive Radio for Firm Real Time Sensor Applications in heterogeneous Radio Environments
Hellbr"Uck, Horst and Esemann, Tim and Mackenroth, Uwe and Ciepluch, Marius, and M"Oschwitzer, Arnaud and Ziethen, Malte
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications (SENSORCOMM), 2012.
Transparent Integration of Non-IP WSN into IP Based Networks
Torsten Teubler and Mohamed A. Hail and Horst Hellbr"Uck
International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems and Workshops, 353-358, 2012.
Verborgenes Rechencluster im neuen Studienarbeitsraum der Elektrotechnik und Informatik
Teubler, Torsten and Stefan Krause and Hellbr"Uck, Horst
Impulse 16, 62-63, 2012.
SAFH - Smooth Adaptive Frequency Hopping
Ben Cheikh, Sami and Esemann, Tim and Hellbr"Uck, Horst
International Workshop on Cross-Layer Design (IWCLD 2011), 2011.
Hovering Data Clouds for Organic Computing
Sebastian Ebers and S'andor P. Fekete and Stefan Fischer and Horst Hellbrück and Björn Hendriks and Axel Wegener
Organic Computing - A Paradigm Shift for Complex Systems , 2011.
API for Data Dissemination Protocols - Evaluation with AutoCast
Sebastian Ebers and Mohamed A. Hail and Stefan Fischer and Horst Hellbrück
The Third World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing (NaBIC 2011), 2011.
CSOR - Carrier Sensing On Reception
Esemann, Tim and Hellbr"Uck, Horst
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Cognitive Radio and Advanced Spectrum Management (CogART), 2011.
Limitations of Frequency Hopping in 2.4 GHz ISM-Band for Medical Applications Due to Interference
Esemann, Tim and Hellbr"Uck, Horst
Proceedings of the Workshop Consumer eHealth Platforms, Services and Applications (CeHPSA) , 2011.
Methods for Improving the Flow of Traffic
S'andor P. Fekete and Björn Hendriks and Christopher Tessars and Axel Wegener and Horst Hellbrück and Stefan Fischer and Sebastian Ebers
Organic Computing - A Paradigm Shift for Complex Systems , 2011.
RoombaNet - Testbed for Mobile Networks
Hail, Mohamed A. and Pinkowski, Jan and Teubler, Torsten and Danckwardt, Maick and Pfisterer, Dennis and Hellbr"Uck, Horst
Proceedings of the Workshops der wissenschaftlichen Konferenz Kommunikation in verteilten Systemen 2011 (WowKiVS 2011) 37, 2011.
GAAP - Generic Android Application Programming
Hellbr"Uck, Horst and Krummenauer, Philipp and Teubler, Torsten
Proceedings of WWW/Internet 2011, 581-586, 2011.
Using and Operating Wireless Sensor Network Testbeds with WISEBED
Horst Hellbrück and Max Pagel and Alexander Kröller and Daniel Bimschas and Dennis Pfisterer and Stefan Fischer
Proceedings of the 10th IEEE IFIP Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop, 2011.
EZgate - A Flexible Gateway for the Internet of Things
Teubler, Torsten and Walther, Ulrich and Hellbr"Uck, Horst
Proceedings of the Workshops der wissenschaftlichen Konferenz Kommunikation in verteilten Systemen 2011 (WowKiVS 2011) 37, 2011.
Poster Abstract: Real-World G-Lab: Integrating Wireless Sensor Networks with the Future Internet
Daniel Bimschas and S'Andor Fekete and Stefan Fischer and Horst Hellbr"Uck and Alexander Kr"Oller and Richard Mietz and Max Pagel and Dennis Pfisterer and Kay R"Omer and Torsten Teubler
TridentCom 2010: The 6th International ICST Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks & Communities, 2010.
Middleware for Smart Gateways Connecting Sensornets to the Internet
Daniel Bimschas and Horst Hellbr"Uck and Richard Mietz and Dennis Pfisterer and Kay R"Omer and Torsten Teubler
MidSens'10: The fifth international workshop on Middleware Tools, Services and Run-Time Support for Sensor Networks, 2010.
Cooperative Virtual Memory for Sensor Nodes
Teubler, Torsten and Pinkowski, Jan and Hellbr"Uck, Horst
Real-World Wireless Sensor Networks 6511, 186-189, 2010.
Empowered by Wireless Communication: Distributed Methods for Self-Organizing Traffic Collectives
S'andor P. Fekete and Christiane Schmidt and Axel Wegener and Horst Hellbrück and Stefan Fischer
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, 2009.
Effective Movement Classification for Context Awareness in Medical Applications Networking
Horst Hellbrück and Martin Lipphardt and Xin Hua
First International Workshop on Medical Applications Networking, 2009.
Organic Computing Concepts in Protocol Design for Ad-Hoc Networks
Horst Hellbrück and Martin Lipphardt and Axel Wegener
, TR01, 2009.
Fast Prototyping for VANET Applications with PDAs
Horst Hellbrück and Axel Wegener and Junjian Cao and Tian Zuo
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Wireless Communication Society, Vehicular Technology, Information Theory and Aerospace & Electronic Systems Technology (Wireless VITAE), 284 -288, 2009.
Designing a Decentralized Traffic Information System -- AutoNomos
Axel Wegener and Horst Hellbrück and Stefan Fischer and Björn Hendriks and Christiane Schmidt and S'andor P. Fekete
Proceedings of the 16. ITG/GI - Fachtagung Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS), 2009.
Evaluating Ad Hoc Networks with FRED
Nils Glombitza and Horst Hellbrück and Stefan Fischer
The 9th ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (ACM Mobihoc 2008), Demo Session, 2008.
FRED -- An Application for a Real-Life Large Scale Multihop Ad Hoc Network
Nils Glombitza and Martin Lipphardt and Horst Hellbrück and Stefan Fischer
Proceedings of the 5th Annual IEEE/IFIP Conference on Wireless On Demand Network Systems and Services (WONS'08), 2008.
FlowerNet - How to design a user friendly Sensor Network
Bjoern Gressman and Horst Hellbrück
Proceedings of The Seventh Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop (Med-Hoc-Net 2008), 2008.
AutoCast: A General-Purpose Data Dissemination Protocol and its Application in Vehicular Networks
Horst Hellbrück and Axel Wegener and Stefan Fischer
Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks journal (AHSWN) 6, 1--2, 91--122, 2008.
VANET Simulation Environment with Feedback Loop and its Application to Traffic Light Assistance
Axel Wegener and Horst Hellbrück and Christian Wewetzer and Andreas Lübke
Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Workshop on Automotive Networking and Applications, 2008.
TraCI: An Interface for Coupling Road Traffic and Network Simulators
Axel Wegener and Michal Pi'orkowski and Maxim Raya and Horst Hellbrück and Stefan Fischer and Jean-Pierre Hubaux
Proceedings of 11th Communications and Networking Simulation Symposium (CNS'08), 2008.
Radio Propagation-Aware Distance Estimation Based on Neighborhood Comparison
Carsten Buschmann and Horst Hellbrück and Stefan Fischer and Alexander Kroeller and S'andor Fekete
Proceedings of the 4th European conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN), 2007.
NIDES: Ein Verfahren zur Multihop-Distanzschätzung mittels Nachbarschaftsanalyse
Carsten Buschmann and Christian Werner and Horst Hellbrück and Stefan Fischer
Proceedings of the 15. ITG/GI - Fachtagung Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS), 2007.
Practical Experiences on Mobile Inter-Body-Area-Networking
Martin Lipphardt and Horst Hellbrück and Dennis Pfisterer and Stefan Ransom and Stefan Fischer
BodyNets '07: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Body Area Networks, 2007.
GRAPE - Gradient based Routing for All PurposE
Martin Lipphardt and Horst Hellbrück and Axel Wegener and Stefan Fischer
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Heterogeneous Multi-Hop Wireless and Mobile Networks 2007 (IEEE MHWMN'07), Pisa, Italien, 2007.
AutoCast: An Adaptive Data Dissemination Protocol for Traffic Information Systems
Axel Wegener and Horst Hellbrück and Stefan Fischer and Christiane Schmidt and S'andor Fekete
Proceedings of the 66th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Fall 2007 (VTC2007-Fall), 2007.
Praxiserfahrungen mit MarathonNet - Ein mobiles Sensornetz im Sport
Horst Hellbrück and Martin Lipphardt and Dennis Pfisterer and Stefan Ransom and Stefan Fischer
PIK - Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation 29, 4, 2006.
Data-type centric Middleware Synthesis for wireless Sensor Network Application Development
Dennis Pfisterer and Carsten Buschmann and Horst Hellbrück and Stefan Fischer
Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop (Med-Hoc-Net 2006), 2006.
Supporting WSN Application Development Using Data type-centric Middleware Synthesis
Dennis Pfisterer and Carsten Buschmann and Horst Hellbrück and Stefan Fischer
, 2006.
FABRIC: Towards Data Type-Centric Middleware Synthesis
Dennis Pfisterer and Horst Hellbrück and Stefan Fischer
Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Distributed Computing (DCOSS 06), 2006.
MarathonNet: Adding Value to large scale Sport Events - A Connectivity Analysis
Dennis Pfisterer and Martin Lipphardt and Carsten Buschmann and Horst Hellbrück and Stefan Fischer and Jan Hendrik Sauselin
Proceedings of the International Conference on Integrated Internet Ad hoc and Sensor Networks (InterSense), 2006.
Hovering Data Clouds: A Decentralized and Self-Organizing Information System
Axel Wegener and Elad M. Schiller and Horst Hellbrück and S'andor P. Fekete and Stefan Fischer
Proceedings of International Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems, Passau, Germany, 2006.
Java 5.0 - Das Tiger-Release
Andreas Eberhart and Stefan Kraus and Ulrich Walther and Horst Hellbrück and Vasu Chandrasekhara
, 2004.
Analytische und simulationsbasierte Verfahren zur Konnektivitätsbestimmung und -verbesserung von Ad-Hoc-Netzen
Horst Hellbrück
, 2004.
MINE and MILE: Improving Connectivity in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
Horst Hellbrück and Stefan Fischer
Mobile Computing and Communications Review MCCR 8, 4, 19--36, 2004.
Increasing Connectivity of Ad-Hoc Networks
Horst Hellbrück and Stefan Fischer
13. Fachtagung Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen KiVS 2003 (GI-Edition), 207-217, 2003.
Towards Analysis and Simulation of Ad-Hoc Networks
Horst Hellbrück and Stefan Fischer
Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on Wireless Networks (ICWN02), 69--75, 2002.
Ansätze zur Analyse und Simulation von Ad-Hoc Netzwerken
Horst Hellbrück and Stefan Fischer
Proceedings of the 1st German Workshop on Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (GI-Edition), 7--27, 2002.
Basic Analysis and Simulation of Ad-Hoc Networks
Horst Hellbrück and Stefan Fischer
, TR01, 2001.